Sunday, August 17, 2014

This is something I feel very strongly about, especially seeing the amazing affects that just one bag of blood can do to help an ill person.  I understand that many people don't donate blood due to fear, beliefs, religion, etc. I'm just asking that you try and give it a little thought. If it's fear that's stopping you I promise that the pain from the needle only last seconds. If it's just a personal belief try and dig deep inside and think of all the possibilities your one donation might make on someone else who may have nothing else to help them but that one bag of blood. If it's religion I really can't preach, or make any other comment except as to how I feel. If there is a God or some other Holy being, I'd like to think in my heart that that being would want the people he created to help each other as much as possible. I understand this all goes far deeper than what I could possible get in to, I'm just saying give it an extra thought. Plus the psychological high you get after is amazing ! Oh btw I'm O+ which is the most common blood type - 37%, so there's a good chance that my donation could help you (God forbid)...kinda cool though.  Save A Life ! Donate Blood

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